Hello everyone,
There was a fascinating English story that I would like to share with you today. It's a tale about (story theme) that took place in (story setting) during (time period).
This story is full of surprising twists and turns, and it features some captivating characters that are sure to pique your interest. So, let's sit back and listen to how this story begins.
ghost-story英 ['ɡəʊstst'ɔːrɪ] 美 ['ɡəʊstst'ɔːrɪ] n. 鬼故事
Lantern Festival is a Chinas traditional festival. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year.
Lantern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China. Several days before Lantern Festival, people begin to make lanterns.
Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many, other things. While making lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns.
On the eve of Lantern Festival, all the lanterns are hung up.
On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns.
Perhaps you call see some wonderful folk performances,Dragon Dance and Yangko. Everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy.
Our life is rich and varied.
My story with Quanzhou
Conclusion: I have a memorable story with Quanzhou
Reason: During my study abroad program, I had the opportunity to visit Quanzhou, which left a lasting impression on me.
Content Extension: Quanzhou is a coastal city located in the southeast of China.
Its rich history and beautiful scenery make it a popular tourist destination.
When I visited Quanzhou, I was amazed by its well-preserved ancient architecture and cultural heritage.
I also enjoyed the delicious food and friendly people.
One of the most unforgettable experiences was visiting the Kaiyuan Temple, which is one of the oldest and largest Buddhist temples in Fujian Province.
The peaceful atmosphere and intricate carvings on the walls left me in awe.
Overall, my trip to Quanzhou was a memorable one that I will always treasure.
楼主 剧场版 迷宫的十字路口 有大量详细介绍 大阪那对吵个不停的小情侣。
总觉得大阪人豪爽、自豪。像要让上司看看大阪女人志气的相田弥生。服部平次和远山和叶也一样。性格很直,对人热情(已经不知n次请柯南他们到大阪玩)。很孩子气,而且俩人超级相配(如在古董店里杀价)。虽然都是名侦探,但与温柔稳重的新一相比,平次显得可爱得多了,更像一个普通的高中生,爱做怪(为了能与柯南一起办案,悄悄把晴天娃娃摘掉,让柯南无法去远足),爱评论女生的泳衣。和叶也会经常吃莫名其妙的醋。 其实和叶不知道,平次是真的在意她的,为什么他就算跌进大海脱光了所有衣物,只剩下裤衩,也不肯丢掉那破旧的护身符?因为那是连接他们的护身符啊。那里面的备份钥匙是曾经将他们紧紧栓在一起的东西。因为封进里面的不仅仅是手铐的钥匙,还有她希望他平安的心。他从那里面看得到她的影子看得到她的期盼。(二十年的杀意 圣佛尼号连续杀人事件) 曾经有一个男孩在山能寺的格子窗前看到了一个穿和服拍皮球的女孩,便整整记住了她八年。每一个樱花盛开的季节他都会记起京都的皮球歌。(《迷宫的十字路口》) 曾经有一个男孩听说两起持人鱼之箭的人都莫名被害时对那个女孩说不准离开我身边一步。(人鱼又再度悲泣) 曾经有一个男孩在那个女孩为救他而自己跌入悬崖时,不顾一切地冲下悬崖救那个女孩。(人鱼又再度悲泣) 曾经有一个男孩在万丈深渊边死死拉着一个女孩的手,即使手背被扎得鲜血淋漓依然不放开--他说,我对自己发誓,哪怕是拼上一条命,我也决不让你死!(人鱼又再度悲泣) 曾经有一个男孩看到有人和一个女孩搭讪,便气冲冲地过来口不择言说她是我青梅竹马但完全没有任何关系的女人,你们不要打她的主意……(注:这句是个病句)(孤岛的公主与龙宫城) 曾经有一个男孩在生命攸关的时刻有一句真心的很久就想说的话对一个女孩说,他生命的最后一句话要留给她。(服部平次一筹莫展) 曾经有一个男孩看到一个女孩在悄悄哭泣,便放弃了去甲子园的机会,给那个女孩暗示,希望她可以看到她想看的凡尔赛玫瑰。(谁的推理秀) 曾经有个男孩在看到那个女孩因害怕而紧紧抓住另一个男孩的手臂时,马上抓回了那个女孩的手。(柯南与平次的推理魔术) 曾经有一个男孩傻傻地问自己,为什么我看到她和别的男人眉开眼笑就不爽呢。(柯南与平次的推理魔术) 原来,他是最在乎她的,只是他的死要面子把着些隐藏起来了而已。 远山和叶,是服部平次今生最重要的人啊! 他从来不曾对她说过任何甜言蜜语。管他呢,再多华丽的词语都抵不过他的真心相待。他从来不曾象别人承认他们的关系,管他呢,只要他的心里有她,她就已经很开心很甜蜜。他从来不曾向她表露真心,管他呢,有什么比枪口下的表白更让人感动,有什么比悬崖边的行动更让人震撼。哪怕是拌嘴哪怕是吵架,他对她的心也已天知地知。和叶感觉得到,在那小小的护身符里,有他挚热的心。即使没有天荒地老海枯石烂,只要能够携手相依不离不弃,对她来说,就足够了,真的。 对于远山和叶来说,服部平次不是个好男朋友。但是这些都不重要,因为她知道,在他的心里,她比他自己更重要,这就足够了。 大阪艳阳高照 关西阳光如昔 青梅竹马在拌嘴 很开心 The best life?Maybe like him. 对服部平次来说,和叶是一个啰唆却可爱的女孩,有时看到她会脸红。和叶:“要好好活着,连我那份一起好好活着……再见了!”——222~224《人鱼失踪记》 平次:“和叶……你不要乱动……你要是再乱动……我一定会杀了你……” 平次:“笨蛋!你要死我还不准呢……我对自己发誓,就算拼上一命,我也绝不会让你死的,傻瓜。”——222~224《人鱼失踪记》 平次:“我真的有话对你说,和叶,对在我身后轻轻颤抖的你说,多少次都差点对你说出口,让你感动得即使去了另一个世界也不会忘记的话。”——323~324《服部平次一筹莫展》 平次:“绝对だぞう!待てるからなあ。(一定要来哦!我等着你。)”(这集的服部比较严肃,在和柯南通电话中知道了可能与黑衣人有关,立刻定下约定,约定要再见面,虽然装作很不经意的样子,但眼神里的坚定,完全表现出了平次对新一的关切和信任)——M13《漆黑的追踪者》Last Thursday, all the students and teachers in our school gathered in the auditorium at 3 p.m. to enjoy a special activity--an English speech contest with the theme of “Telling Chinese Stories in English”.
The activity consisted of three parts. Firstly, every contestant delivered his or her own speech and then each of them was asked to make an impromptu speech according to the given questions by the judges. The last part was evaluating and presenting the trophies to the award winners.
This contest gives us a good opportunity to enhance our abilities of speaking English as well as having a deeper understanding of the differences and connections between China and the world. More importantly, we get to know it is our responsibility to spread splendid Chinese culture to the world
5个1. 《贾宝玉》:讲述了清宫太子贾宝玉如何经历人生的蜕变。2. 《红楼梦》:通过一个大家族揭示人性中的贪婪,虚荣,矜持,妒忌,复仇等。3. 《阿里巴巴与四十大盗》:充满着战斗,机智,勇气,勤奋精神的故事。4. 《城南旧事》:讲述一个普通人故乡的情感及追求的故事。5. 《水浒传》:展示了十八般英雄之间的友情,反抗绝境时的英勇精神,以及古代社会中所有人都存在的爱恨情仇。
In ancient times, serious droughts occurred on the earth. The heat scorched the forest, dried the earth, and dried the grass and seedlings. Originally, Emperor Jun and Xi gave birth to 10 children who were the sun.
They lived overseas in the East. There was a big tree named Fusang in the sea water. Ten suns sleep beneath the branches and take turns running out in the sky to shine on the earth.
But sometimes they come out together and bring disaster to mankind. In order to save mankind, Hou Yi bowed and arrowed, shooting at the nine suns. See the sky burst fireballs, fell a three-legged crow. Finally, there is only one sun left in the sky.