奶奶的关爱 每当我打开衣柜时,那件红色的已经穿小了的毛衣就会出现在我的眼前,让我想起了已经去世了三年的奶奶。那是三年前的一个冬天,妈妈带我来到了乡下的奶奶家。因为爷爷已经去世了,家里只有奶奶一人,所以,我和妈妈决定一定要好好陪着奶奶。乡下天气非常寒冷,我的手和脸冻得发紫,奶奶看了心疼地说:“得赶快给你织一件毛衣了。”就从那天开始,奶奶就日夜不停地给我织着毛衣。 尽管门窗都关得紧紧的,可我的手还是插在兜里不想伸出来。但奶奶不怕冷,她的手指中间有两根又细又长的针,在来回晃动,毛衣越织越长了。奶奶也把她对孙女的关爱一针一针的缝了进去。奶奶就这样不停地织着。晚上,当大家钻进被窝里准备舒舒服服睡一觉的时候,奶奶却还点着小灯织着毛衣。那段日子,奶奶每天晚上只睡一、两个小时,剩下的时间都在为我织毛衣。不管我和妈妈怎么劝她,她都一直坚持的这样做。 毛衣终于织好了,奶奶微笑着给我穿上毛衣,多么暖和呀!不久之后,奶奶离开了我们,是因为劳累过度而亡的,想到这里,一阵痛苦钻进了我的心里,我慢慢地关上衣柜,低头哭了起来。
My family Hi, everyone! I’m Cendy. I live in Nanhai. I’m 13 years old. I am tall and thin. Now, let me tell you something about my family. There are seven members in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents, my sister, my brother and me. My grandparents like reading newspapers. They are very old. They are always happy. My father is a businessman. He works hard. He’s not very tall but fat. He likes sleeping. He’s kind. My mother is a housewife. She looks young. She’s strict to our study. My sister is a university student. She studies hard. My brother is in Grade Four. He is only 10 years old. He likes playing computer games. He’s a naughty boy. I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home. 希望能得分,谢谢!