

1、你的酒窝没有酒,我却醉的像条狗。There is no wine in your dimple, but I am drunk like a dog.

2、失去分享的欲望,便是散场的开始。Losing the desire to share is the beginning of the end.

3、有瑕疵的翡翠依然是翡翠,再完美的苍蝇依然是苍蝇。The flawed jade is still jade, and the perfect fly is still a fly.

4、我们兴高采烈地,过着一成不变的生活。We are happily living an unchanging life.

5、人的一切痛苦,本质上都是对自己无能的愤怒。All human suffering is essentially anger towards one's incompetence.

6、最难过的是,你和我在一起你却显得如此孤单。The saddest thing is that you look so lonely when you are with me.

7、不好意思,未经允许,擅自喜欢你。Sorry, I like you without permission.

8、不要轻视简单,简单意味着坚固。Don't underestimate simplicity, simple means solidity.

9、他们不是死了,他们只是走出了时间。They are not dead, they are just out of time.

10、耳边的碎碎念念、心理的星星点点、也是今后的岁岁年年。The broken thoughts in my ears and the little bit of mentality are also the years to come.

11、我喜欢你,但我能克制。I like you, but I can restrain it.

12、理想之所以美,就是因为不管什么时候,抬头去看,它都闪闪发亮。The reason why ideals are beautiful is that no matter when you look up, it shines brightly.

13、不打扰,是我的温柔。Don't bother, it's my tenderness.

14、后来烟雨落盛京,一人撑伞两人行。Later, Misty rain fell in Beijing, and one person held an umbrella for two.

15、每个人都是被别他人偷偷藏起来的光。Everyone is a light hidden secretly by others.

16、在你感到最无助最无力的时候,才是你真正觉醒的时候。When you feel the most helpless and weakest, is the time when you truly awaken.

17、比孤独更可怕的是,别人知道你的孤独。More terrifying than loneliness is that others know your loneliness.

18、生活是那么强大,它时常在悲伤里剪辑出欢乐来。Life is so powerful, it often edits joy out of sorrow.

19、人就是奇怪,不喜欢别人骗自己,却喜欢自己骗自己。People are just weird. They don't like others to lie to themselves, but they like to lie to themselves.

20、一个人离开你的时候,不要问原因,你能想到的所有理由都是对的。When a person leaves you, don't ask the reason, all the reasons you can think of are correct.

21、你多大,妈妈就多大,她生了你才是妈妈。Your mother is as old as you are, and she will be your mother when she gives birth to you.

22、成长是一笔交易,我们都是用朴素的童真与未经人事的洁白,交换长大的勇气。Growing up is a bargain. We all exchange the courage to grow up with simple innocence and unpersonal whiteness.

23、得不到的永远在骚动,被偏爱的有恃无恐。The unavailable is always in a commotion, and the favored has no fear.

24、沉默即是答案。Silence is the answer.

25、没有安全感的人会反复推开一个人,直到确定那个人是真的不会离开。An insecure person will repeatedly push a person away until it is certain that the person will not leave.



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