

一,远离那些总是说好听话 却什么都不为你做的人。

Stay away from people who always say nice things but do nothing for you

二,他没想过爱我 他只想要赢。

He didn't want to love me. He just wanted to win


There is no one who can deserve my tears, and the past never looks back


People's hearts generally do not die in great events, but they are fatally injured by those small disappointments again and again.

五,大概就是太累太压抑太负能量了 没办法调整好自己的负面情绪 就是会突然难过 头一低眼泪就掉下来了 只有自己明白一个人在家 开着灯 抱着手机不说话 房间就一点声音都没有 我只想快乐 仅此而已。

Probably too tired, too depressed, too negative energy. I can't adjust my negative emotions. I will suddenly feel sad. When my head is low, tears will fall. Only I understand that there is no sound in the room when I am alone with the lights on and my cell phone on. I just want to be happy, that's all.

六,听过一句很心酸的话 不是你喜欢的人不喜欢你 而是你非要喜欢不喜欢你的人。

I have heard a sad saying, not that the person you like doesn't like you, but that you must like the person who doesn't like you.
