
求4人讲的小故事 5分钟左右



P : hello, Mary. How is the weekend?
M : not so good. I went to look in my grandmother.
P : what’s wrong with her?
M : she hurt herself when cleaned the window by standing on a chair last week.
P : that is dangerous for an elder.
M : I see. But she lives alone, I can’t help her at that time.
P : why not bring her to live with you
M : because ~
L & L : hello, peter and mary. What are you talking about?
P : hello, lily and lucy. We are talking about mary’s grandmother.
Lily : what happened to your grandmother?
M : she hurt herself when cleaned the window by standing on a chair.
Lily : that is bad. In fact, you can’t let the elders do such a dangerous thing.
Lucy :is your grandmother getting well now?
M : yes, thank you.
P : you see, her grandmom lives alone. And mary can’t help her.
Lucy : why not bring her to live with you?
Lily : en, our grandfather is living with us. He is very healthy and happy.
P : that is the ponit. The elders muse be taken care well. They can’t live alone.
Lily : I agree with peter. The elders will feel lonely easily. That is why they always get sick or hurt.
Lucy : yes, our grandpa is a good example. And there is a proverb “ having an old famiy member, having a treasure”.
M : thank you. I will suggest my parents to take my grandmom home.
P : it is time for class. Let’s go.

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