

Two men in Shanghai have been confirmed dead from H7N9 infection,while a woman in Anhui province is in criticalcondition from the virus,the National Health and Family Planning Commission said on Sunday.周天,根据国家卫生和计划生育委员会统计,上海市和安徽省发现人类感染H7N9禽流感3例,其中2例已死亡,第3例病情严重.This is the first time a human infection from H7N9 has been detected.Little research has been done on this relatively unknown bird flu,and there are no vaccines against the virus.据了解,人感染该病的情况目前尚属全球首次.由于,对H7N9的研究尚少,对其相对陌生,目前国内外尚无针对H7N9禽流感病毒的疫苗.The reported deaths were of an 87-year-old man who was found ill on Feb 19 and died on March 4,and a 27-year-old man who was found ill on Feb 27 and died on March 10.The third person,a 35-year-old woman from Chuzhou,Anhui province,is in intensive care in Nanjing,Jiangsu province.上周被报因禽流感去世的男子87岁,于2月19日病发,3月4日死亡;另一位27岁,2月27日病发,3月10日死亡.第三位感染禽流感的是一位35岁的妇女,来自安徽省滁州市,目前在江苏省重症监护室.It remains unknown how the three became infected,and experts said there are no signs that they contracted the disease from each other.There are also no signs of anyone in close contact with them being infected,according to the commission.国家卫生和计划生育委员会专家表示,截至目前3例确诊患者的具体感染来源尚不清楚,未发现3例病例之间存在相互感染的可能性,此外与其密切接触者均未发现异常情况.The World Health Organization is "closely monitoring the situation" in China,regional agency spokesman Timothy O'Leary said.世界卫生组织中国区代理处发言人蒂莫西·奥利里表示:“世界卫生组织正密切监察中国有关情况.”There is apparently no evidence of human-to-human transmission,and transmission of the virus appears to be inefficient,therefore the risk to public health would appear to be low," O'Leary said.奥利里还表示:“尚无明显迹象表明该病毒可通过人人传染,且传染能力极弱.因此此病毒对公众健康的杀伤力也较低.”Initial symptoms of the infection include fever,cough and difficulties breathing.On Saturday,the three cases were confirmed to be human infections of H7N9 avianinfluenza,based on clinical observation,laboratory tests and epidemiological surveys.The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Preventionisolated the virus on Friday.感染该病毒的初期症状为发热、咳嗽、呼吸困难.根据临床观察,实验室检验及流行病学调查,上周六证实人类感染H7N9为三例.上周五,中国疾病控制预防中心将病毒隔离.The spokeswoman of the city's health bureau refused to say anything beyond the report released by the commission.


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